July 13, 2024

16 New Saints Canonized by the Romanian Orthodox Church

On 11-12 July 2024, the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church held its working sessions at Patriarch Teoctist Aula Magna of the Patriarchal Palace under the chairmanship of His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel. Among other things discussed, the Holy Synod approved the canonization of 16 Romanian saints, with some liturgical texts to be completed and all to be revised at a future session of the Holy Synod. In this context, the Patriarchate revised the Synaxarion of the Romanian Orthodox Church for the months of February, March, April, May, June, July and August - months in which the new saints are celebrated.

The 16 new saints were people who gave witness to Christ in an environment that was not conducive to the development of Christianity. As His Beatitude the Patriarch of Romania had emphasized in his opening speech, "It is very important to honor in a special way these confessors and priests from the time of the communist persecution in the difficult moments of the twentieth century."

These saints include:

Archimandrite Sofian Boghiu, abbot of Saint Anthimos Monastery in Bucharest, with the title Holy Confessor Sofian of Saint Anthimos Monastery, commemorated on September 16;

Father Dumitru Stăniloae, professor of theology in Sibiu and Bucharest, with the title Holy Confessor Priest Dumitru Stăniloae, commemorated on October 4;

Father Constantin Sârbu, with the title the Holy Hieromartyr Constantine Sârbu, commemorated on October 23;

Protosyncellos Arsenie Boca, with the title Holy Confessor Arsenius of Prislop, commemorated on November 28;

Father Ilie Lăcătușu, with the title Holy Confessor Priest Elijah Lăcătușu, commemorated on July 22;

Hieroschemamonk Paisie Olaru, confessor of Sihăstria Monastery, with the title Saint Paisius of Sihăstria, commemorated on December 2;
Archimandrite Cleopa Ilie, abbot of Sihăstria Monastery, with the title Saint Cleopas of Sihăstria, commemorated on December 2;

Archimandrite Dometie Manolache, with the title Saint Dometius the Merciful of Râmeț, commemorated on July 6;

Archimandrite Serafim Popescu, abbot of Sâmbăta de Sus Monastery, with the title Saint Seraphim the Enduring of Sâmbăta de Sus, commemorated on December 20;

Father Liviu Galaction Munteanu, professor of theology in Cluj-Napoca, with the title Holy Hieromartyr Liviu Galaction of Cluj, commemorated on March 8;

Archimandrite Gherasim Iscu, abbot of Tismana Monastery, with the title Venerable Martyr Gerasimus of Tismana, commemorated on December 26;

Archimandrite Visarion Toia, abbot of Lainici Monastery, with the title Venerable Martyr Bessarion of Lainici, commemorated on November 10;

Protosyncellos Calistrat Bobu, confessor at Timișeni Monastery and Vasiova Monastery, with the title Saint Callistratus of Timișeni and Vasiova, commemorated on May 10;

Father Ilarion Felea, professor of theology in Arad, with the title the Holy Hieromartyr Hilarion Felea, commemorated on September 18;

Protosyncellos Iraclie Flocea, exarch of the monasteries of the Archdiocese of Chișinău, with the title Saint Heraclius of Bessarabia, commemorated on August 3;

Archpriest Alexandru Baltaga with the title the Holy Hieromartyr Alexander of Bessarabia, commemorated on August 8

Apolytikion of St. Dumitru in Tone 8
O luminary of Orthodoxy, support and teacher of the Church, treasure of the priesthood and divine interpreter of dogmas, O Father Dumitru, most honorable vessel of choice and herald of grace, intercede with Christ our God that our souls may be saved. 
Apolytikion of Ss. Cleopa and Paisie in Tone 3 
Let us honor from our hearts the grace-filled spiritual fathers of Moldavia, who struggled on earth with faith and one heart, the great and humble Cleopa, the preacher of Christ, and the gentle and long-suffering Paisie, saying: Glory to Him who has glorified you! Glory to Him who has enlightened you! Glory to Him who has shown you as unceasing intercessors for us!
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