January: Day 17:
Venerable Anthony the Great
(The Power of the Word of God, Work and Prayer in the Work of Saving Man)
By Archpriest Grigory Dyachenko
Venerable Anthony the Great
(The Power of the Word of God, Work and Prayer in the Work of Saving Man)
By Archpriest Grigory Dyachenko
I. Venerable Anthony, whose memory is celebrated today, was born in Egypt in the middle of the 3rd century to rich and noble Christians and was raised by them in the fear of God and Christian piety. Frequently visiting the temple of God and listening attentively to the word of God, he once heard the words from the Gospel: “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, then come and follow Me” (Matthew 19:21). These words sank deep into his heart, and he decided to part with the world and its treasures forever, he sold the rich inheritance received from his parents and gave the money to the poor. He had a sister in his care - he made arrangements for her, and he himself decided to serve God in complete solitude, and settled beyond the Nile River in a cave. Here he spent his time in work and prayer and in the strictest abstinence. He ate only bread and water, ate food after sunset and not every day. Sometimes he did not sleep for several days in a row, prayed at night, and wove baskets during the day, with which he bought himself bread. His desert life was hard! Cold, hunger, and heat - he experienced everything. And most importantly: he had to endure much from the enemy of the human race - the devil. The devil wanted to drive him out of the desert. And so around his solitude the ascetic often heard noises, and the likenesses of lions, wolves, snakes, scorpions appeared, all these likenesses threatened to attack him and rushed into his cave. The ascetic was horrified and trembled. The feeling of fear changed to regret about the money he had given away, about the pleasures of life he had left behind. He often became despondent, yearned, wept - his situation was most unbearable. In the midst of such a struggle and spiritual confusion, he once exclaimed: "Lord! What should I do? I want to be saved, but my thoughts are hindering me!" After these words he immediately saw before him a man who was working, and after working he began to pray, and after praying he began to work again. It was an angel sent from God to enlighten Venerable Anthony. Venerable Anthony understood what he needed to do. He increased his work and prayer, and after 20 years of staying in the coastal cave he finally achieved a bright and calm state of mind.