I have an amazing little booklet available I wanted to offer to my readers for purchase which would make especially great reading for Great Lent. Recently I was commissioned to translate some beneficial writings of Righteous Alexei Mechev, but it didn't fall through and I was left with a bunch of booklets I would like to now sell instead of counting my losses. Please order today!

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April 20, 2023

Synaxarion of Saint Euprepia

 By Metropolitan Kyrillos (Kogerakis) of Rhodes

On Thursday of Renewal Week, we commemorate Saint Euprepia.


Seemly living the law of God,
You attained glory, Holy One.


We have no information about Saint Euprepia. In a place known as "Argala" on the island of Lesvos, a cruciform martyrium (a church built over the site of where a martyrdom took place or a martyr was buried) with two graves containing crushed bones was found during excavations in 1931. This archaeological site is located before the airport, next to the Elysion hotel. Also in the same area were found the ruins of a large basilica with a baptistery, which are considered to be buildings of the 6th century AD. On top of these ruins was the old Chapel of Saint Euprepia, which still exists today. Since there is no Saint with this name in the list of Saints of the Church, the question remains whether some unknown Saint with this name was martyred in Lesvos, which would explain the existence of this ancient chapel in her name.

Apolytikion in Plagal of the First Tone
Let us celebrate the memory of Euprepia, glorifying Christ, who has risen from the dead, for she has been adorned, with the crown of life, let us therefore together cry out to her: with longing we have assembled, in your revered temple, protect us with the power, of your grace all-blessed one.

Kontakion in the Fourth Tone
The divine memory, of Euprepia today, let us the faithful celebrate, crying out to her: entreat Christ the Lord, to have mercy on us who honor you.

Euprepia shines today, as a luminary on this light-bearing festival, shining from a distance her rays of grace, blazing the hearts of the faithful. Come let us all gather together, blessing her as is meet, as an all-comely bride, of the heavenly King Christ, and a daughter beautifully adorned in His Resurrection, beautified by the good works of her faith, wherefore let us cry out to her, before her all-revered icon, on the bent knees of our soul and body: Cease not Holy One, to entreat the Lord, to have mercy on us who honor you.

Come and let all who are pious, honor Euprepia, the all-comely bride, of our Savior Christ, and let us glorify Him, who glorified her, with miraculous grace.

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