May 16, 2023

Monk Christophoros Panagiotopoulos, the so-called "Papoulakos", Has Been Proposed for Canonization by the Church of Greece to the Ecumenical Patriarchate

With much joy, the Sacred Metropolis of Kalavryta and Aegialia has informed its pious people that the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece, during its session on May 11, 2023, decided to forward to the Ecumenical Patriarchate for final approval the proposal of the Metropolis of Kalavryta regarding the canonization of the Venerable Monk Christophoros Panagiotopoulos, the so-called "Papoulakos" (+ 1861), from Armpounas of Kalavryta, who was a "chosen vessel" of the Lord during the difficult period of the 19th century to be a new Apostle of Orthodoxy to the people of Greece.

Metropolitan Hieronymos of Kalavryta and Aegialia has expressed his heartfelt and grateful thanks on his own behalf and on behalf of his flock to His Beatitude Archbishop Hieronymos of Athens and all Greece and the Seven Members of the Permanent Holy Synod for the solemn approval of the canonization proposal in question. His Eminence Metropolitan Kallinikos of Artis, a Regular Member of the Synodal Committee, drafted the above-mentioned theologically documented and highly detailed proposal.

"We pray that the Holy God, through the intercessions of the Venerable Monk 'Papoulakos', will grant health to all those mentioned above, to the Holy Clergy and to the pious People of the Holy Church of Greece, so that they may continue to praise and bless His all-holy and beyond-heavenly name," concludes the statement of His Eminence.

Links About Papoulakos