Just as every year, from the feast of the Transfiguration of Christ till
the feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos, or from August 6th to the
15th, snakes appear in a wondrous manner in two villages of Kefallonia
with chapels dedicated to the Dormition of the Theotokos, in Markopoulo
and Arginia, that appear to worship among the pilgrims who flock to
these chapels, and venerate of their own accord the icon of the Panagia.
Many noted miracles are associated with these snakes.
For more information: Panagia Fidousa (Snakes of the Panagia) Resource Page
It was reported by the Greek press, that two snakes of the Panagia made their appearance this year on August 8th in Markopoulo, an unusual delay since they usually appear on August 6th; last year two snakes had appeared there on August 6th, though the year prior there was also an unusual delay with their appearance on August 12th with one snake in Markopoulo, while the year prior to that two appeared on August 8th, also unusually late. In Agrinia three snakes appeared on August 8th, again unusually late. Last year it was two snakes that appeared on August 6th. Therefore, in 2023 a total of five snakes have appeared.
For more information: Panagia Fidousa (Snakes of the Panagia) Resource Page
It was reported by the Greek press, that two snakes of the Panagia made their appearance this year on August 8th in Markopoulo, an unusual delay since they usually appear on August 6th; last year two snakes had appeared there on August 6th, though the year prior there was also an unusual delay with their appearance on August 12th with one snake in Markopoulo, while the year prior to that two appeared on August 8th, also unusually late. In Agrinia three snakes appeared on August 8th, again unusually late. Last year it was two snakes that appeared on August 6th. Therefore, in 2023 a total of five snakes have appeared.
At their
appearance, the bells rang joyfully to announce their arrival. It is not
reported if more snakes have made their appearance in the past few
days. All photos in this post were taken in Agrinia this year.