Dear Readers and Supporters: Last March I told you about an anonymous long time friend and supporter of this ministry who fell on hard times, and a generous portion of you volunteered to help her financially to prevent her eviction and car repossession. Unfortunately, once again she and her child are in a similar difficult position, though a little bit worse. I hate to see this happen to her and not try to help in any way. So if once again you can help out with a financial contribution, it would be greatly appreciated. You can contribute to her through the link below. My hope is that we can raise around $3000. Thank you.
Day 7: Total So Far: $838

October 20, 2023

Three New Saints Canonized by the Patriarchate of Antioch

The Holy Synod of the Patriarchate of Antioch, which gathered on October 19th 2023 in Balamond, Lebanon for their Fall Session, under the presidency of His Beatitude Patriarch John X of Antioch and All the East, has canonized the Hieromartyrs Father Nicholas Khashi (+ 1917), and his son Father Habib Khashi (+ 1948), two Damascene priests who martyred for the faith in the last century, together with Bishop Raphael (Hawaweeny) of Brooklyn (+ 1915).

In September and October, His Beatitude met with the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the hieromartyrs. On Saturday, October 21, he will lead the service of glorification for these two new saints who will be commemorated annually on July 16. Saint Raphael of Brooklyn will be commemorated annually on February 27th; he had already been canonized by the Orthodox Church of America (OCA) in 2000.
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