March 28, 2024

The First Official Feast Day of Saint Gabriela (Papagiannis) the New Ascetic of Love

With feelings of spiritual joy, the local Church of Leros celebrated the memory of the Dormition of our Venerable Mother Gabriela of Constantinople, patron and benefactor of the island, for the first time since her recent canonization by the Ecumenical Patriarchate. It was in Leros that she reposed at the age of 95, on March 28, 1992

The Divine Services took place at the Monastery of the Panagia of the Castle of Leros, where on the evening of Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at 5 p.m. the Great Festive High Priestly Vespers with Artoklasia, officiated by Metropolitan Paisios, was performed and was followed by Matins, which was officiated by Bishop Stephanos of Stratonikeia.

They along with a number of clergy and a crowd of believers came to commemorate the first celebration of the Dormition of the Saint after her canonization. There they venerated her Sacred Head, Sacred Relics and her Tomb.