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July 15, 2024

What Was the Moral Strength of the Holy Grand Prince Vladimir?

By St. John Maximovitch

“Whoever does and teaches, he will be called great in the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:19)

Why is Grand Prince Vladimir holy and equal to the apostles?

He turned from pagan darkness to the light of Christ, was himself baptized, baptized the people of Kiev and sent them to other cities and regions of his principality to baptize.

He was the first of the all-Russian rulers to become a Christian and laid the foundation for the Christian structure of the Russian state. With him, the Russian State begins to be Orthodox, and Christianity penetrates into all areas of national and state life.

Did he act only as a ruler, were his actions aimed only towards an acts of state?

No, he himself showed himself to be a true Christian and preached Christ not so much by word as by his personal example.

Brought up in paganism, Prince Vladimir, although he heard about Christ from his grandmother, Blessed Princess Olga, in his earliest childhood, was at first a zealous pagan. He diligently performed pagan rituals, tried to please the pagan gods, and gave thanks to them for their successes, because he was convinced that he was serving the truth.

When the crowd of Kievans killed the Holy Theodore the Varangian and his son John, on whom the lot fell to be sacrificed to Perun in gratitude for the victory won, Vladimir realized that he was mistaken. He felt the discord between the moral law and the requirements of paganism, and his sensitive soul felt that he was wrong. The search for truth and righteousness led him to Orthodoxy, and having overcome all the internal and external obstacles that stood on the way to it, he accepted holy baptism.

Now, having become a Christian, he began to serve Christ even more zealously than before he had served the pagan gods.

Now, with his whole being, he sacrificed himself and everything he possessed as a sacrifice to the Truth, for Christian teaching reveals divine truths and expresses the highest moral internal law.

Vladimir became different after baptism. He retained all the best qualities that he had before, rejecting all his vicious inclinations and habits. From a cruel person who did not even spare his own brother, who was killed during an internecine war with him, he became so soft-hearted that he did not want to even execute criminals, doing this in exceptional cases in order to stop atrocities.

From dissolute he became chaste, left his numerous former wives and lived in an honorable marriage with his Christian marriage, Princess Anna.

From a predatory conqueror he becomes a peace-loving ruler. From a greedy collector of tribute, he became indifferent to earthly treasures, being always ready to sacrifice them to acquire intangible values.

For the retinue, he was now not so much a formidable leader, punishing the slightest disobedience, but a wise leader, understanding the soul of his subordinates and appreciating his associates.

For all the people under his control, he became a loving father, caring for all his many children, which his subjects were now for him, taking care of the satisfaction of all their needs and requirements.

His special attention was now attracted to those who were helpless - orphans, widows, cripples. Prince Vladimir especially remembered them during the festivities and sent them carts with food and other necessary things.

The festivities themselves were no longer revelry, but mutual joyful fraternal communication.

In all areas of life, Grand Prince Vladimir the Red Sun showed himself to be a Christian - in his personal life, and in his family life, and in public life, and in state life. Having learned the truth, he served it with all his heart, spreading light wherever he could. He himself embodied the teachings of Christ and was an example to follow in everything.

That is why Orthodoxy penetrated so quickly and deeply into all aspects of Russian life. The prince captivated everyone with his personal podvig. He was a conqueror of himself, through which he ruled over others, preaching Christ with his deeds, no matter what area they belonged to. He served the True God as an individual, as the head of a family, as a leader, as a judge, as a ruler, as a Sovereign. He was always the same servant of Truth and Righteousness, striving for them to reign everywhere.

He deeply realized that only "whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy” should be the basis of the life of both an individual and an entire nation. Therefore, he did not separate one from the other, and what he showed in his personal life, he carried out in state affairs.

That new spirit of integrity, unity in all areas of life and the implementation of truth in everything was shown in himself and passed on to the Russian people by Saint Vladimir. He is its Enlightener and Baptist, Sovereign and Apostle, commander and teacher, unifier and guardian.

He was followed by his best successors, and it is no coincidence that it was on the day of his memory that the Neva victory was won by the blessed Grand Prince Alexander, in whom the spiritual image of his Equal-to-the-Apostles ancestor was clearly imprinted.

Service to God, begun by Saint Vladimir on earth, continues now at the Throne of the Most High, before Whom he prays for the Russian land, enlightened and sanctified by him, and shines from the heights with heavenly light, illuminating the path to Truth, Truth for the Russian people.

Source: Translated by John Sanidopoulos.
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