September 28, 2024

Oikos to Saint Isaac the Syrian


You have shone to be, an angel in asceticism, all-blessed Isaac the God-bearer, and with your angelic voice, you have given to us words of salvation, unto a better life, which leads us to cry out:

Rejoice, the star of Syria;
Rejoice, the lamp of silence.

Rejoice, you who surpassed the earthly mindset;
Rejoice, you who partook in heavenly illumination.

Rejoice, God-formed pillar, of sacred hesychasts;
Rejoice, honey-flowing mouth, of spiritual teachings.

Rejoice, for you were filled with God-given wisdom;
Rejoice, for you were released from wicked passions.

Rejoice, most fervent servant of Christ;
Rejoice, our teacher divinely inspired.

Rejoice, wise Isaac the God-bearer;
Rejoice, our guide in divine discourse.

Rejoice, divinely-wise Father.

Source: Composed by St. Gerasimos Mikragiannanitis. Commissioned by St. Paisios the Athonite. For Matins on September 28th. Translated by John Sanidopoulos. 

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