October 22, 2024

Homily One on the Feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (St. John of Kronstadt)

Homily One on the Feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

By St. John of Kronstadt

"O fervent Intercessor, Mother of the Lord Most High,  
pray for all to Your Son, Christ our God, 
and grant salvation to all who flee to Your sovereign protection." 
(Troparion to the Kazan Mother of God)

Do you all, beloved brethren, always pray earnestly to the Mother of God? If any of you do not pray to Her, or do not pray with all your heart, I beseech you to begin to pray to Her with all zeal from this very day, for our Lady is a quick Intercessor for all Christians who resort with faith to Her protection and intercession - She does not shun anyone, She does not neglect anyone.

In order to be worthy of Her intercession, you only need firm faith in the power of Her prayer and humble sincere prayer. Whatever misfortune has befallen you, or sorrow of the soul: hurry quickly to pray to our Lady, and do not seek consolation for yourself in any earthly consolations - in theaters, circuses, evenings out - all the more do not resort, to ease your grief, to forget the misfortune with wine, as many do. Theaters, circuses, entertainment with wine or something else - new misfortunes, only not noticeable at first, because they are seductive.

Sins or passions torment you, or bad habits possess you - resort to the most merciful Mother of all, the Queen and the Mother of God. Pray to Her thus:

All-powerful, Lady Theotokos, behold, such and such passions and sins possess me. You can do everything, Your prayer is omnipotent with Your Son and God, therefore cover and intercede for me from myself, from my sinful passions and habits. With all my heart I wish for myself correction and salvation, but without higher help, without intercession from above I can do nothing: I take a step forward, and then retreat as much as ten steps back, and so the power of the enemy pushes me away from the Lord. Accursed am I, poor and destitute and blind and naked spiritually. Help me, wretched and poor and blind, I pray to You with all my soul. I believe that You hear every sigh of my heart, every word that comes from my heart, and that You mercifully intercede for all who earnestly seek Your help and who have not been completely deceived by sinful flattery. Intercede, save and have mercy on me, a sinner.

Thus let us pray to the most merciful Queen and Mother of God – and we will certainly be worthy of Her protection and intercession. Amen.

Source: Translated by John Sanidopoulos.

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