October 5, 2024

Hymns to Saint Methodia of Kimolos

By Monk Gerasimos Mikragiannanitis
1st Tone. Tis Erimou Politis.
The offspring of Kimolos, the treasure of virtue, and truly the co-dweller of the Venerables from past ages, the revered Venerable Methodia, let us faithful honor with hymns, imitating the God-loving deeds of her life, crying out: glory to Him Who gave you might, glory to Him Who crowned you, glory to Him Who has numbered you, O Mother, in the choir of the Saints.

Tone 4. Epephanis Simeron.
Your blameless conduct, made the light of your virtue, run throughout the island of Kimolos, mystically making it bright, O Methodia, God-possessed Venerable One.

Brought forth from pious roots, as a beautiful offspring yielding for Christ fruits of righteousness, faith, hope, affection and the rest O Venerable One, by your virtuous life, holy excellence, study of the divinely enlightening Scriptures, the life in Christ, you chose above all else to fall to the ground and blossom forth in prudence; wherefore you were delivered from the bonds of marriage, and were more perfectly bound to Christ, following Him with all your heart. Now therefore intercede on behalf of the island that brought you forth and those who honor you, O Methodia, God-possessed Venerable One.

On the fifth of this month, we commemorate the Venerable Methodia of Kimolos.

Pursuing a venerable life of asceticism,
You venerably attracted Christ O Methodia.
On the fifth of October the heart of Methodia was thereupon joined.

Through her holy intercessions, Christ God, have mercy upon and save us. Amen.

Rejoice godlike Methodia, who did imitate, the life of the Venerables; rejoice the offspring and boast of Kimolos, from every affliction, she does keep from harm.
Source: Translated by John Sanidopoulos.

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