October 16, 2024

Saint Longinus the Centurion as a Model for our Lives

St. Longinus the Centurion (Feast Day - October 16)

Protopresbyter Father George Papavarnavas

Saint Longinos came from Cappadocia and lived in the years of Christ. He was a centurion under Pilate, the ruler of Judea, and received an order from him to be present at the crucifixion and burial of Christ. When he saw the way in which Christ "expired" on the Cross, as well as the earthquake, the change of the sun into darkness and the stones that split, because he was a good-willed man, the Grace of God overshadowed him, changed him, and then with faith he cried out: "Truly this was the Son of God." That is why he did not accept the silver given to him by the Jews, in order to lie about the Resurrection of Christ. He returned to his homeland, together with two of his soldiers who believed in Christ, and preached the gospel with pride. Pilate, when informed of this, reported him to Tiberius, who ordered his beheading, as well as his two soldiers.

The head of Saint Longinus was buried in dung, but it did not remain there forever, because after a few years the Saint appeared in a dream to a pious Christian woman from Cappadocia and urged her to dig it up, showing her the spot where he was buried. After finding the holy head of the Saint, this woman was cured of the blindness from which she was suffering, but she was also found worthy to see her reposed son in the glory of Paradise, as the Saint had promised her. Afterwards, out of gratitude to Saint Longinos, she erected a most beautiful Sacred Temple in his honor, where she placed his honorable head.

Joseph the Hymnographer, referring to Saint Longinus, speaks at the same time about the robber who was crucified with Christ and after his confession was saved, to say that both of these men were the terror of the people, since one was a hardened officer and the other a dangerous bandit. However, they both were found worthy to be counted in the chorus of the saints, and this shows the greatness of true repentance, which attracts the Grace of God that transforms wild beasts into meek lambs.

And then he emphasizes that both these men, as it turned out, had very tender hearts, but also great courage. The thief begged that Christ would remember him in His Kingdom, and the centurion confessed concerning Him with boldness, and sealed his confession with the blood of his martyrdom.

His life and his conduct give us the occasion to emphasize the following:

First, it happens many times that people with a tender and sensitive heart grow up in an environment where there is no tenderness, love and kindness, which all people need, and especially children, but in a harsh and inhumane atmosphere, without faith in God and sincere interest in their progress and advance, something that negatively characterizes their entire later life. Just as the opposite can also happen, namely with "stiff-necked and uncircumcised" people, when they find themselves in an environment where true love reigns, they change internally and become models of love and kindness.

Indeed, it is proven that, as a rule, children who grow up in a family where peace and tranquility prevail, true faith is experienced, self-sacrificing love between spouses is manifested and generally there are healthy role models, are positively influenced in their lives, their heart is filled with love and then they simply offer this love. Whereas children who grow up in an environment with many and varied problems, where there is violence and tensions, then faith in God and love for fellow human beings is absent and indifference to their progress and advancement prevails, no, they simply do not care about their fellow human beings, but they are also treated with cruelty, hatred and aggressive behavior, which usually leads to extreme situations with tragic results. And, unfortunately, every day we witness such extreme, aggressive and delinquent behaviors on the part of children and young people, which cause pain and sadness.

External conditions certainly play an important role in shaping people's morals and behavior. However, God Who is constantly "working" on the salvation of all people and cares for each one individually, sends His Grace to the well-intentioned who seek Him, and thus they succeed and progress in their lives, are sanctified and saved. And there are many examples of this, old and modern. Therefore, there is no justification for cruel and inhuman behavior, since when there is a good intention and man humbles himself, then he is led to the knowledge of God through repentance, his mind is enlightened by the Grace of God and from a God-hater and man-hater he becomes a God-lover and man-lover.

Second, courage is a strength of the soul given by God, so that man can resist the devil and sin, and walk unwaveringly in the way of His commandments. It is the incensive part of the soul, which, when functioning naturally, helps man to govern himself, to overcome his passions and his weaknesses and to remain free. On the contrary, when the incensive part of the soul is distorted by sin, passions and impenitence, then man becomes a slave to sin, passions and the devil. And instead of turning his anger against the devil and sin, he turns it against his fellow human beings, with envy and hatred, with the result that he reaches extreme situations, even crime. The rise of violence and criminality that exists in our time is the result of the perversion of the incensive part of the soul.

However, courage, when it is not "regulated" by the Grace of God, then reaches the extremes, i.e. lack or excess. And according to the teaching of the Church, as expressed by Saint Gregory of Nyssa, the lack of courage is cowardice, and its excess is audacity. Both of these, cowardice and audacity, become a cause of turmoil and conflict between people, in the family and society.

Courage in its authentic form gives birth to inner balance, which is a true blessing, since it brings peace and harmony to relationships between people.

Source: Translated by John Sanidopoulos.

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