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December 6, 2024

Homily on Saint Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, the Wonderworker (Archimandrite Kirill Pavlov)

Homily on Saint Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, the Wonderworker

By Archimandrite Kirill Pavlov

(Delivered in 1961)

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

Dear brothers and sisters, when the Lord preached the word of God on earth, thousands of people surrounded and pressed Him. His disciples pressed closest to Him; there were others who were thirsty to hear the holy sermon, and there were those who came with the secret hope of finding healing from their various ailments. In a word, human sorrow flowed like a river to the feet of the Merciful Teacher. And He, after the healings were accomplished, standing on a level place and opening His mouth, pronounced the immutable Divine commandments for all time: "Blessed are you poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh. Blessed are you when men hate you, and when they exclude you, and revile you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of Man’s sake. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy! For indeed your reward is great in heaven" (Luke 6:20–23).

Did mankind respond to these holy calls of their Savior? Yes, it did – in the persons of the Apostles, Saints, Martyrs, Venerables and all true followers of Christ. Their humble hearts accepted His covenants and brought forth rich and abundant fruits. Humility became the root from which other fruits of the holy faith grow. Humility exalted people, brought down upon them various gifts of grace and glorified them in the Kingdom of Heaven. Among such humble and meek workers and ascetics of virtue is Saint Nicholas of Myra, the great Saint of God, who is now honored by the Church, who, having heard about Christ and His saving teaching, followed Him steadfastly and faithfully, precisely fulfilling the Gospel commandments and trying to imitate his Master in everything.

Born in the Lycian land to pious parents Theophanes and Nonna, Saint Nicholas grew up as a humble and God-fearing youth from childhood. Inspired by a simple but living and heartfelt faith, he was like other great zealots of it in his zeal for the glory of God – the Prophet of God Elijah and the Baptist of the Lord John. His zeal for the glory of Christ God was also demonstrated in the fact that at the First Ecumenical Synod, unable to tolerate heretical blasphemy, he struck the heretic Arius on the cheek, for which he was condemned by the Fathers of the Synod. But the Lord, appearing together with the Most Holy Theotokos to some of the Holy Fathers, justified him and restored him to the episcopal rank: the Fathers saw in a vision how the Savior Himself handed him the Gospel, and the Mother of God handed him the omophorion. He justified him, because his act was not the result of a depraved heart or a rude disposition, but the result of zeal for the glory of God.

Another time, his righteous soul, outraged by the unjust condemnation of the innocent, was inflamed with zeal for their salvation, and he, laying down his life for his neighbors, delivered them from death. In the same way, he visits prisoners in dungeons, and miraculously saves those perishing at sea.

Thus Saint Nicholas of Myra became famous for his mercy, compassion and help to suffering people. After all, we, due to our weakness, mostly turn to God and His saints for help in our physical and spiritual needs, and most of all to those saints who showed especially many deeds of mercy and help to the suffering. Having a stern, strict and silent appearance, Saint Nicholas of Myra possessed rare spiritual kindness, a heart that was tender and compassionate to all who were grieving and suffering, and always hastened to help those who called on him. Therefore, he enjoys special love and veneration, and not only among the Orthodox people, but also among Jews, Mohammedans and other non-believers. The entire sun is full of his miracles, generously bestowed on all who turn to him in sorrow.

The Holy Church in its hymns glorifies him as a feeder for the hungry, a good ruler for those who are stormy at sea, and a quick helper for all who are in trouble and sorrow. And indeed, his entire life is a continuous series of good deeds rendered to suffering people.

Here is one such example. One unfortunate man went bankrupt and, having three grown daughters, in despair decided to improve his affairs in a vile way - by selling the honor of the girls. The Saint learns of the family's plight and, without waiting for a request, strives to prevent sin and disaster, wants to save both the soul and body of the innocent girls from shame. Under the impenetrable cover of midnight, he comes to the home of the poor family, secretly lowers a bag of gold coins into the window and disappears unnoticed. He watches how the girls' father uses his gift, and, convinced of its reasonable use, repeats his good deed twice more, until all three girls are settled. But the grateful father ambushed his secret benefactor the third time, and threw himself at his feet with the words: "How can I thank you, man of God!" "With silence," answered the Saint.

Not only during his life, but also after his death, he does not cease to do good to those who turn to him with prayers. Therefore, of all the host of God's saints, Saint Nicholas enjoys the special love of our Orthodox Russian people. Many churches were built in his honor, his very name is dear to the Orthodox Russian person, and therefore it is often found in Christian families.

Let us pray to him that he may ask for spiritual gifts for us: humility, meekness and love. Holy Father Nicholas, pray to Christ God to save our souls! Amen.

Source: Translated by John Sanidopoulos. 

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