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January 25, 2025

January: Day 25: Teaching 1: Saint Gregory the Theologian

January: Day 25: Teaching 1:
Saint Gregory the Theologian

(On Reconciliation With Neighbors)

By Archpriest Grigory Dyachenko

I. Saint Gregory, Archbishop of Constantinople, whose memory is celebrated today, was famous for his exalted life. By the desire of the Emperor Theodosius and the people, Gregory was elected to the see of Constantinople and presided over the Second Ecumenical Synod. But when a dispute arose at the Synod over this election, the Holy Hierarch voluntarily resigned the see of Constantinople. “I willingly follow the Prophet Jonah,” said Saint Gregory, renouncing his office, “for the salvation of the ship (that is, the Church) I am ready to sacrifice myself.” After this, Saint Gregory devoted himself to a strict hermit life: he lived among the rocks, near beasts, walked barefoot, wore poor clothes, slept on the bare ground and never lit a fire to warm his body. He left behind many remarkable works, for which, especially for his works on God the Word, the Savior of the world, he was called "the Theologian". Like Basil the Great and John Chrysostom, he is called a Great and Universal Teacher. He died in 389.

II. Saint Gregory, who voluntarily renounced the see of the Archbishopric of Constantinople in order to stop discord and establish peace, so dear to his soul, teaches us, brethren, to strive with all our might to preserve Christian peace among people.

Most often, Christian peace between people is not restored because, due to pride, vindictiveness or other passions, they do not want to forgive their enemies and reconcile with them. But a true Christian must rise above the passions that can drag him to destruction, and certainly reconcile with his enemies, if only it depends on him.

a) The reasons that motivate us to mutual reconciliation, according to the teaching of Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk, are the following:

God commands us to leave our neighbors behind and make peace.

Christian love demands that we not take revenge on our brother who has offended us through weakness or the devil’s instigation, but rather, having mercy, forgive him, and not allow anger to grow into malice and hatred, but immediately extinguish the evil that begins to appear with the spirit of meekness and love for mankind.

May the mercy of God, which is revealed to us every day and hour when we sin, move us to mutual forgiveness and to pardon one another ... For all of us, whoever we may be, are men, we are sinners, we are dust and ashes. In comparison with God, before whom the whole world is as a drop, we are nothing. Is it a great thing, then, when a man sins against another, and a sinner forgives another sinner?

Let our own benefit move us to forgive our neighbors! For whoever forgives his neighbor, a convenient approach to the goodness of God is opened to him; ... as opposed to he who does not forgive his brother's sins, when he says: "Our Father!.. forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors."

"If you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift" (Matthew 5:23-26). Behold, Christian, if we seek reconciliation with our neighbor. God does not accept our repentance, or prayer, or anything else from us until we are reconciled with our neighbor... You have offended your neighbor by word, so be reconciled by word: humble yourself before him and ask forgiveness. You have offended your neighbor by deed, so be reconciled by deed.

b) The same Saint refutes all objections against the Christian world in this way. "Should I ask his forgiveness? He is a simpleton, and I am noble." But he is also a man, just like you: with God we are all equal by nature.

"Is he not an evil man?" It is not your business to judge him; God alone judges by the inward, not the outward.

"Will he not be exalted by my humility?" Not true; seeing your humility, he himself will humble himself.

“I am not guilty of anything; yet he offend me without any reason?” This happens: but how is God guilty of us? “The Lord is righteous and there is no unrighteousness in Him;” however, we shamelessly sin and offend Him, and we ask for mercy and receive mercy.

III. Let us leave all excuses and give “peace” to everyone. 

Source: A Complete Annual Cycle of Short Teachings, Composed for Each Day of the Year. Translated by John Sanidopoulos.

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